The School’s history begins in 1850 when the “Conservatorium
der Musik in Coeln” was opened. At the beginning its main
orientation was training for amateur performance at home. The
teaching of future professionals began half a century later. In 1925,
after new curricula and examination orders were adopted, the School
became the third, after those in Leipzig and Berlin, to be confirmed as
a State Educational Institution. The present name dates from 1987,
when the conservatories of Aix-la-Chapelle and Wuppertal were
incorporated. Some departments are located in other cities of Northern
The courses of study, which include 24 specialities, are divided
among 9 departments. Other supplementary courses are being
considered, concerning, for example, chamber music performance,
song accompaniment and dance training. Owing to this, each student
who feels himself talented enough should have the opportunity to
enrich and expand his professional training results.
The highest level of training stipulates that many students
become participants of prestigious competitions to be world-class